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Posts Tagged ‘wedding

The Royal Wedding of HRH Prince William and Kate Middleton

April 28, 2011

Its the  wedding of the year  HRH Prince William and Kate Middleton are getting married  and i dont care i wish them all the best but im not going to go and take photos of it ,not watching it on tv,not going to look at any papers,mags or anything to do with it.When so one in hollywood brings out […]


April 10, 2011

it’s the warmest day of the year the kids are out somewhere and i have an hour free , so im moving my old archives to my new website http://celebrityphotosuk.com/ ,have added the blood lust ball,brmb live and  river island today ,if you’re in the photo  and want a copy send me a message through the web site and i will email it back to […]

il primo matrimonio mai nudo nel Regno Unito

March 17, 2011

il voto più e il suo grande giorno di oggi, i vincitori del matrimonio Naked BRMB hanno vinto il loro matrimonio da sogno, con il 65% dei voti ascoltatore, Kelly Clinton e Widget Lee da ovest Brainwash stanno andando verso l’altare oggi – nudo. Kelly e Lee sono stati insieme per 11 anni ma ci sono sempre stati priorità finanziarie impedendo loro di avere il matrimonio che volevano. Essi ritengono che questa sarà una grande festa di famiglia – e di essere nudo non detiene alcuna vera paura per loro! Il couplesays felice: “E […]

uka mariage d’abord nu

March 16, 2011

le scrutin et son le jour grand aujourd’hui, les vainqueurs du Mariage Nu de brmb ont gagné leur mariage de rêve, Avec 65 % du vote d’auditeur, Kelly Clinton et Bidules de Côté sous le vent de l’Ouest Font un lavage de cerveau descendent l’allée aujourd’hui – nu. Kelly et Côté sous le vent ont été ensemble […]

naked wedding today

March 15, 2011

the voting over and its the big day today ,the winners of brmb’s Naked Wedding have won their dream wedding, With 65% of the listener vote, Kelly Clinton and Lee Widgets from West Brainwash are going down the aisle today – naked. Kelly and Lee have been together for 11 years but there have always […]

the UK’s first naked wedding

February 14, 2011

This Valentine’s Day, Foxy and Giuliano on the brmb breakfast show (The radio station that belongs to Birmingham) announced the launch of the ‘Naked Wedding’. The competition will seek to find a couple to experience a very special wedding in an all paid affair. The wedding which will take place in March will give a […]

half price wedding photos if you book before 14th feb 2012

October 4, 2010

Do you want your wedding photos at half the cost???? Then read on … Would you like your wedding day to be so special that all your friends will envy your photo album as it captures all those magical moments that can be missed in formal shots. We provide a tailored package that starts from the bride getting […]