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Posts Tagged ‘Oxford City Council


May 1, 2011

today was a really early start 3am (i must me nuts) i made my way to  Magdalen Bridge Oxford with about 7000 other people  to hear choristers sing hymns at dawn from the tower at Magdalen College,over the years some of Oxford students  have got very drunk aand jumped off  the bridge The tradition dates from the 17th Century.the only thing is in the […]

Paxman and Rice open hi-tech treasure hunt for Crisis

January 19, 2011

Paxman and Rice open hi-tech treasure hunt for Crisis Homelessness charity Crisis opens entry for UK’s first charity Smartphone treasure hunt fronted by celebrity challengers Aneka Rice and Jeremy Paxman Registration opens on 17 January 2011 for Crisis: Mission Oxford – a high-tech treasure hunt between London and Oxford. Iconic TV personality Anneka Rice and BBC journalist […]